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Thematisch seminarie

Europees thematisch Seminarie: ‘Diversity and Inclusion in Teacher Training’ (NL)

Thematisch seminarie

Study Visit ‘Quality education and wellbeing at school”: towards a caring school’ (F)

Thematisch seminarie

Buitenlandse conferentie “Schools go green and digital – and Erasmus+ supports teaching excellence!” (DE)

Thematisch seminarie

Europees thematisch Seminarie: Erasmus+ thematisch seminarie Sport and Sustainability – a Lifelong Approach (FI)

Thematisch seminarie

Stel je kandidaat voor het Europees thematisch Seminarie: Education for sustainable developmentt (DK)

Thematisch seminarie

Stel je kandidaat voor het thematisch seminarie ‘Together! – Inclusive Classroom and Digitally Supported Learning’ (FI)

Thematisch seminarie

Stel je kandidaat voor het thematisch seminarie ‘ Agroecology, Technical and Educational Approach’ (FR)

Thematisch seminarie

Thematisch seminarie ‘Creative use of learning applications in school education’ (Luxemburg).

Thematisch seminarie

Europees seminarie ‘Stepping up foreign language learning and teaching’‘(Tallinn)

Thematisch seminarie

Vlaams-Nederlandse conferentie ‘De inclusieve klas’

Thematisch seminarie

Europees seminarie ‘Blended mobilities as a means of improving study programmes’ (Bratislava)

Thematisch seminarie

Thematisch seminarie “Blended Intensive Programmes in Practice” (IJsland)

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